Improve Conditioning and Power with this High Intensity kettlebell boxing workout
This kettlebell circuit workout is simple to set up. You need 2 kettlebells of 10 or 12 kg to start, do not try to go heavy right away, your technique will be at risk. This circuit is a full body workout and you’ll improve your conditioning, strength and power. This is a high intensity interval training workout with a big impact on both cardiovascular and muscular systems. Be progressive when you start, doing this circuit 4 times may be enough.
Do this workout outside on a field or track. In a gym you can replace the sprints by a bodyweight exercise ( jump squats, burpees…) or use a cardio machine like a rower, bike or treadmill.
For fast results do this workout 2-3 times a week for a period of 3 weeks.
Exercise 1: Swing bottom up: 8 reps each arm
Swing the kettlebell and stop the position of your arm with a right angle, kettlebell bottom up.
Squeeze the handle and stabilize 2-3 seconds.
There is a big work of the grip: strength of your hands, wrist and forearms.
Release the kettlebell and swing for the following rep. This exercice is great for boxing and all combat sports.
Exercise 2: Renegade row: 8 reps each arm
Start with a good stabilization on the kettlebells.
Push up squeezing the kettlebells (grip work) then row one kettlebell with a rotation of the torso (range of motion may vary).
The core must be under control, activate your abs.
Return slowly the kettlebell to the ground, be in control for the wrist stabilization.
Your arm holding the kettlebell on the ground is straight
and control the stabilization, squeeze the kettlebell and push it to the ground.
Exercise 3: 200 yards sprint at 80-90%
According to your fitness level, adjust intensity, repeat the circuit 5 to 8 times
No rest between exercises.
Take 1 minute recovery between 2 circuits.
Always get a good warm up, focus on good recovery between the circuits and at the end of your workout.
By Dominic Paris, coach